Skin Doctors instant eyelift™ works in 5 minutes to instantly give the appearance of an eye lift without surgery to improve fine lines and wrinkles. 10ml.
Skin Doctors instant eyelift™ gives the appearance of an eye lift without surgery.
It helps: Instantly improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and puffiness.
Recommended for: A non-comedogenic formula, suitable for all skin types, including oily and sensitive skin. Anyone wanting to disguise puffiness and deep lines around the eyes
Size: 10ml
Process: After cleansing, shake bottle slightly before use and test on the palm of your hand - if it is too gritty, continue shaking the bottle.
Place a few drops on your ring finger and in a crescent shape motion, start at the inner corner, apply three strokes to form a thin layer under the eyes. DO NOT apply too much.
Once applied, look straight ahead and try not to make any facial movements such as smiling for 2-3 minutes or until serum has dried.
Follow with Skin Doctor™ moisturiser on the face (avoiding the eye area), selected foundation & make-up. We suggest a mineral powder to ensure longevity of the product.
Best results: For use everyday or for parties and special occasions. Does not replace daily eye creams.